

How are stimulus coded to guide behaviors?

We are beginning to understand the underlying neural circuit and dynamics and circuits during the conditioned behaviors.In order to understand the operating mechanism of a machine, we have to figure out the connectivity between each component part. Likewise, the communication mechanism of neurons is necessary to understand the signal processing of the brain. Neural dynamics is a set of principles that describes how neural input from single neurons to neuronal populations generates the behavioral and cognitive output in the brain of live animals.
Lee et al., Cell Reports (2019)
Lee et al., Neuron (2017)
Project 1 illustration

What are dynamic mechanisms of neural circuits?

The modulation of neural activity, neuromodulation, circuit using optogenetics alters behavioral responds. This approach reveals the unclear roles of neural circuit dynamics for perception, motivation, emotion, memory, decision making and reinforcement. And, We want to understand how the underlying circuitry is different in brain diseases.
Lee et al., Nature Neuroscience (2020)
Project 2 illustration

How to predict behaviors via neural dynamics?

We are developing machine learning models to predict behaviors using multidimentional big data of large-scale neural activity. The high performance of neural decoding algorithms allows innovative applications for brain-computer interfaces.
Lee et al., Nature Neuroscience (2024)
Project 2 illustration