Congratulation. Chang Hak received an outstand paper award.
Chang Hak received an outstand paper award from DGIST Dept. of Neurosciences.
Congratulation. Min Ji received an outstanding award.
Min Ji received an outstand award for lab note from Korea Intellectual Property Strategy Agency.
Congratulations. Chang Hak received a scholarship.
Chang Hak has been awarded a scholarship from the Paan Foundation for 2023.
NDL's first paper
Chang Hak and Young Kwon’s paper was published in Biosensors and Bioelectronics (impact factor 12.6)!
Recent strategies for neural dynamics observation at a larger scale and wider scope
This publication introduced in 한빛사.
Congratulations. Travel award for Excellent Presentation.
Prof.Lee received an award of Travel award for Excellent presentation from The Japan Neuroscience Society.